Do Bratislavy prídu osobnosti
európskeho event marketingu!Druhý ročník medzinárodnej konferencie o event marketingu LIVE! Conference 2018
privíta svojich hostí 21. februára 2018 v Refinery Gallery v Bratislave


​Konferencia prebieha v angličtine. Prekladateľské zariadenia budú k dispozícii. 
09:30 – 10:00 Guest welcome and fresh breakfast
10:00 – 10:10 Opening & Welcome
host and BTLka representative Štefan Kozák
10:20 – 10:50 Event and Live marketing in 2020? 
Where we are heading? And how to get there ahead of everyone else!
Kevin Jackson (Experience is the Marketing)
10:50 – 11.05 Reflection Time
11:05 – 11:35 Client 2020?
The importance of emotional marketing
Salvatore Sagone (ADC Group) & Björn Wigforss (Experience Marketing, Schneider Electric)
11:35 – 11:50 Reflection Time
11:50 – 12:20 LIVE! Snack and Coffee break
12:20 – 12:40 Agency&Client relationship 2020
Norbert Pýcha (Event asociace ČR)
12:40 – 13:00 Reflection Time
13:00 – 14:00 Panel discussion: Slovak & Czech Event Comm Market Now vs 2020 
1. Live marketing as a part of comm strategy?
2. Agency of the 2020 / dos and donts
3. Client of 2020 / dos and donts

Kevin Jackson (Experience is the Marketing)
Štefan Kozák (BTLka)
Norbert Pýcha (Event asociace ČR)
Björn Wigforss (Schneider Electric)

Andrea Danihelová (Vychodoslovenska energetika)
Martina Jamrichová (HB Reavis)
Marek Kopča (Hyundai Motor Slovakia)
Anton Molnár (SLOVNAFT)
Barbora Ruščin (Deutsche Telekom)
Peter Zsapka (Evropská komise, Zastoupení v ČR)
14:00  LIVE! Conference sum up, closing and conference take aways

Cena vstupenky 119,- €
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